Monday, November 9, 2009

IHOP-e you saved some room

Yesterday some girls at work asked me to come out with them to IHOP after work. We had an awesome time, they're crazy :p One girl started talking about how she'd been made bead captain a long time ago but knew nothing about making jewelry and that I should be bead captain, whatever that means. So I got out my baggie of jewelry that I always keep on me. Stuff I've made for friends & family as Christmas presents. I was showing them off when the waiter came by and asked if I made jewelry, I said yes. Then he asked me if I sold jewelry, I said yes, but not this stuff it was christmas gifts. Then he asked me if my stuff was expensive and I said not really, most of my stuff sells for between $10-$25 and mentioned that a lot of jewelry makers use an outrageous formula to calculate their prices. We then tried to explain to him that we all worked at Michael's and he didn't know what that was. :p If only I'd had business cards! I will get some made up soon.


  1. Hi SapphireSniper,

    I love going to Michael's!! They have so many wonderful craft ideas! I used to meet my friends at IHOP but we may want to keep in mind that the company has been exposed for food safety issues and animal cruelty in its supply chain. For more details, please check out:

    I know you just briefly mentioned IHOP, but I thought you should know what is going on at the company.

    Thank you so much for your time! =)


    Emily Spivak

  2. Oh, you silly girl! this was your opportunity to start charging a quarter of what you're worth instead of 1/10!! $25 to $50 is your new price rang for most items, ok? Listen to me. I've got an inner Yoda.

    Glad you had a good time at IHOP :)
