Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mental Lies by the Law of Numb3rs

Lie To Me: 2x01 I love this show so much, great premiere!

Mentalist: 2x02 I'm not liking Rigsby's hair.. at all.. Jane is awesome, that little move at the end was perfect. The over-all case this time was a bit thin, they've done that trick before. Still the show is always good.

Numb3rs: 6:02 I hope Larry isn't going away, and if he is I hope he comes back. He's the crazy eccentric uncle and always adds humor and who else could say "the milky way tastes like raspberries" ?? Very intriguing case this episode, I had a hunch, but I didn't know what was going on till the very end. Good stuff!

Law & Order: 20x02 I know more than a few guys who would get caught in this episodes plot. :p

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