Friday, October 16, 2009

Wilde October

Third day of work.
I got my locker assignment but the lock on it was for a different locker so the combination wouldn't work. I'll have to get a new one assigned again.. :( I spent the first 2 hours straightening up the bead section, I was in heaven. Organizing, browsing, getting ideas for christmas presents! Everything I love to do! Next week is employee appreciation week. I've got my eye on a couple tools that I could really use but can't afford without the big discount. I need to remember today to grab a picture of the pieces I want as a shopping list. I don't know what hours I work next week, I also have to remember to log into the scheduling system while I'm there because I couldn't pull it up at home.

Today is my longest day at work, a full 8 hours! Hopefully Princess will be ok. She ate her untippable bowl in her crate yesterday. She slept in it again last night though. I think she really likes her blanket. I'll have to leave her food bowl in there as a water bowl so she doesn't get too thirsty. Hopefully she won't find a way to tip it over.

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