Monday, May 3, 2010

Wii Fit Plus

I recently picked up the Wii Fit Plus after spending a few weeks using the regular Wii Fit. I had complained about the inability to create a routine with the regular Wii Fit and instead having to select each exercise through the menu. Making an hour of exercise take 1.5 hours with the menus and extra instructions. Now I have created my own routine with the Wii Fit Plus which consists of an aerobic exercise to warm up, 23 yoga & strength exercises and then aerobic, balance and training plus games to fill in the rest of the hour. Here is the routine I used today. So far, I'm loving the Wii Fit Plus :)

Warm up Aerobics - Basic Step

Regular Routine
  1. Deep Breathing
  2. Half Moon
  3. Warrior
  4. Tree
  5. Sun Salutation
  6. Standing Knee
  7. Palm Tree
  8. Chair
  9. Triangle
  10. Downward Dog
  11. Dance
  12. Cobra
  13. Bridge
  14. Spinal Twist
  15. Shoulder Stand
  16. Spine Extension
  17. Gate
  1. Push Up & Side Plank
  2. Torso Twist
  3. Lunge
  4. Arm & Leg Lift
  5. Tricep Extension
Cool Down
Balance Games-
  1. Soccer Heading
  2. Ski Jump
  3. Ski Slalom
  4. Lotus Focus
Aerobics- Advanced Step

Training Plus- Rhythm Kung Fu

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