Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Where to live?

I slept a few hours from 6am-9am which is probably good so I can be tired tonight. I feel very grumpy though, about everything.

There's some good news about Mom's eye from her appointment today. The gas bubble has gone and her pressure is good so she can stop taking 1/2 of her eye medicines. Hopefully the news will also help her stop working herself into a frenzy about it. She gets so upset, and I know it hurts but she makes it worse by fighting against taking her medicine, by not eating, by getting so upset and agitated and stressed.

My biggest question for the next few days is "Where to live?". I can't stay with Mom and my brother, there's just no room for me to even unpack my stuff, and I need my own space. Also what happened last night with Mom showed me that I can't really help her either.

I already asked my parents if I could take over their house in Virginia until they decide to sell it. They have a tenant living there, a guy Mom used to work with and his wife. I offered to pay as much as they were going to and I'd have to take Gary's car, but Mom said to ask Dad and he hasn't answered me yet.

Another concern is being too far away to help if Mom gets worse or needs to go to the hospital. So I've also been considering the possibility of getting an apartment somewhere close enough to drive back here if needed. It just gets so confusing trying to think of all the areas in a 4 hour radius from here.

The last concern about where to live is where can I find a job? I don't have much hope of finding somewhere within 2 hours of my parents house. There's just not much around. I've been looking for the last 2 months and I've only applied for 2 jobs. Maybe a bit further away I'd have more luck but I applied for 12+ jobs in Virginia in a week. Job sites need to stop being so difficult to use. Sending you through a million other sites before you can apply and then you end up entering in all your info a dozen times, making 3 or 4 new logins per application. It's daunting and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to search for jobs in multiple areas or states.

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