Monday, June 22, 2009

Sticks & Stones

At 10pm my brother asked me to watch over mom so he could go relax and rest. He'd watched her since 10am so it was only fair. He'd given her her medicine but she was in pain and saying "help help help". I kept telling her that I knew she was in pain and that it was hard but that she had to try to stay calm or it would hurt more. She kept getting more and more agitated then started reaching for the phone. I asked her what she was trying to do, told her I was there, and she told me that I wanted her to be in pain and that I wouldn't help her. She started calling for my brother and even tried to get up to go get him. I told her that I was doing as much as he would and that I was trying to help. When my brother came upstairs and almost an hour after her medicine she fell right asleep so I sent my brother back down to rest.

I know I shouldn't take it personally but the things she says really pisses me off. I know she's in pain and if there was anything I could do I would. She wanted to go to the hospital again but I knew she'd feel better once the medicine kicked in and she'd just want to leave the hospital as soon as we got there because there's nothing more they can do. She's on all of the medications they can give her.

I don't think I can take this, she won't let me help her, she won't let me help my brother by watching her until she's asleep. She has a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and my brother wants me to go but I don't think I can if I'm up all night watching her. I need to get out of here as soon as possible for my own mental health.

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