Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I've had no luck with even the temp agencies I've contacted. :/ Something needs to happen soon! I've been here trying to get a job for 3 1/2 weeks.

I haven't been sleeping well still. My parents had asked me before I moved here if I would pick up a dog they want from the Rescue Group and keep her until I could drive her up to mom's house. At first I didn't think it would be a good idea until I found a job. That's taking so long though and it's really quiet and lonely in the house. So I accepted. Today I picked up food & water bowls, choke chain, raspberry leash, raspberry collar, engraved tag, toys, extra large house training crate, scooper for the yard, a yard stake that's supposed to attract the dog to only potty in one part of the yard. Her name is Princess and she'll be spoiled like one alright :) I am picking her up tomorrow morning! I'll definitely need a vacuum soon!

I fell off my diet for a few days, but I felt so sick and gross that it's not hard to restart. I got some more variety of low calorie food & snacks, not just Lean Cuisines this time.

I've made a bunch of new jewelry lately but still no sales. I'm still working on fixing up my Etsy shop to try to attract customers. My next project will be a nice autumn-y peyote bracelet in Amber, Red & Green. I just have to decide on the pattern I like. Any ideas?


  1. Oooh a new doggie! That's exciting :) Send me pictures? I want to meet her :D

  2. I'll have a ton of pictures tomorrow but here's her picture from the rescue group. http://chaamp.org/pages/available-dogs.php

    She's the second one, Princess :)
